S P E C I A L T C B L D A Y S 2 0 2 3
As with every year, TCBL Days draws on on-going work in recent and current EU-funded projects and addresses the many themes we’re working with as “ingredients for sustainability” for the textile and clothing industry.
Three main themes or “silos” are object of exploration this year:
November 15 | Education and Training
What is the range of models in textile, clothing and fashion education? Looking at Master's degrees to vocational training, we'll consider hands-on action learning to cross disciplinary barriers, address gender equality, and promote Industry 4.0 and industrial transitioning.
November 23 | Research and Innovation
Can we connect two disparate fields, that of bioeconomy with the circular textile industry? Members of projects involved in both will be participating in a conference in Iasi, Romania so we've united them in a roundtable discussion.
November 30 | Business Models
What are the challenges and opportunities for collaboration between the different sectors of fashion? In this online roundtable, leading figures in the field will address the real sustainability of the four main fashion areas: fast, luxury, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible fashion.
Of course, there are also the TCBL Jam sessions to get to know other TCBL members and network with an eye to future collaborations. These will be held November 14, 21 and 28. We’re still looking for people interested in sharing their latest work (labs, companies and individuals) with a brief presentation - find out more and sign up to present here.
Have you joined the TCBL Association yet?
TCBL is an association of “people like you” - and our new campaign says it all! NOW is the time to officially sign up to be a member of the TCBL Association, whether you’re a lab or startup, company or service provider.
Do you have questions or comments about the topics in this newsletter, or ideas about the textile industry? Do not hesitate to contact us :
Publication director: Frédérique Thureau
This newsletter is published by: Audasud
8 Avenue Victor Hugo, 34200 Sète - France
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