NEWSLETTER Special Flip Fashion

S P E C I A L   F L I P   F A S H I O N


Today and tomorrow at 17 CET CET, TCBL & HEREWEAR present “Flip Fashion” online events for NEB festival

Don't miss the two live streams that TCBL & HEREWEAR have organised for the New European Bauhaus Festival!

Wednesday April 10 and Thursday April 11 at 17 CET.


Here are the details :

Wednesday April 10, 17:00 - 18:30 / Production scenarios

We’ll kick off with a talk about developing local and inclusive manufacturing by Annick Jehanne (Fashion Green Hub). Herewear partner DITF in the person of Dieter Stellmach will share some of their innovative work on microfactories. ZSofia Antaloczy from the Moholy Nagy Art and Design University will talk about repurposing polyamide, Adrian Hill from OSMOS will speak about city re-industrialisation, and finally we’ll hear about the concept of Personalised Couture from Ravonn Gallery Arts et Mode. The debate will be moderated by Frédérique Thureau (TCBL).

Thursday April 11, 17:00 - 18:30 / Community engagement

From her experience in Fashion Revolution Greece, Fiori Zafeiropolou will speak about fashion activist communities. We’ll look at innovation through revisiting local traditions with Miguel Barbot of Saber Fazer, creating community through fashion and upcycling with Debora Florio (Biofashionlab and Remake), Anca Gheorgica from Cuib/Redu will speak on re-use and upcycling, and finally we will look at enabling social integration with Jocelyn Meire at FASK. The debate will be moderated by Elvys Sandu (Mai bine).


TCBL Association is an ecosystem of labs, businesses and platforms connected to develop radical transformation of the textile and clothing industry: People Like You! Are you ready to make a difference? Find out about membership here

A big thank you to our contributors of the month, Kerstin, Sara, Jean-François, Thanos and to our editors, Frédérique, Jean-Renaud.

Do you have questions or comments about the topics in this newsletter, or ideas about the textile industry? Do not hesitate to contact us :

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