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CreativeWear Plus
Artistic and textile creation
To close the CreativeWear Plus project and imagine the paths of tomorrow, several conferences and round tables were organized by the project's creative hubs. This gave us the opportunity to verify how important artistic creation is to innovate in the textile sector, particularly on blind spots such as unused or non-compliant textiles, the unexpected results of co-production between the first prototype of an artist and a textile manufacturer or even the largely underutilized talents of citizens in this sector.
After a European conference and an exhibition at the Prato Museum on June 22 where the project partners came from Greece, Bosnia, Italy, France and Portugal to present their experiences and achievements, a day's visit to Prato and Florence allowed us to observe that dynamism and creativity have lost none of their vigor despite the Covid crisis.
On June 28, a conference and exhibition in Montélimar will close the project activities on the achievements in France of the PRISME cooperative, assisted by CedecsTCBL and the project's Greek partner, Cre.Thi.Dev.
Herewear in Antwerp
Thank you to our speakers, our participants and Circuit for contributing to the success of Herewear Day in Antwerp, a day to better understand the fashion vision of the city of Antwerp and to address the themes of bio-materials, design or local production serving a sustainable, responsible and circular textile sector. Several moments punctuated this day: inspirations, sharing, concrete workshops and connections. A day already re-scheduled for next year!
Eighteen innovation labs have developed activities in the second phase of the shemakes.eu project. Some of these activities are inspired by the first phase and adapted to local cultures, others are entirely new and designed to help all women to dare to innovate in the textile – clothing sector. If we must remember one key idea from this adventure, it is the pleasure of freeing oneself from one's own barriers: “I thought it was hard (to innovate), but actually, once I got going, well guided, it was great!” More information on the shemakes site
Our general meeting of June 22 made it possible to integrate new members into SAS CedecsTCBL and Athanasius Contargyris, the founder of the company who has run it for 35 years, to hand over to Frédérique Thureau , general director, who will become president in August. The partners thanked the President for all the work accomplished with TCBL since 2015. As a reminder, CedecsTCBL is the SAS which, within the TCBL movement, participates in and coordinates new projects in the service of a responsible and sustainable textile-clothing sector.
Project evaluation visit to Jordan
CedecsTCBL, external evaluator of the FOSTEX project, submitted its evaluation report after participating in the final conference of this project in Amman and having visited the BAU University in Al-Salt, and the technical centers set up by the project, in Jordan.
This ERASMUS project is ending having fulfilled its objectives both in Morocco and Jordan where 4 textile technical centers were created in the universities participating in the project. They will serve the testing and innovation needs of local industries.
These centers will help them in particular to find solutions to better take into account environmental standards and to adapt to the requirements of sustainable and circular development. To know more
Change labels
Composition, care instructions and size are mandatory on all clothing. However, this information is difficult to read (information translated into all languages and written in tiny characters) and therefore not very useful (since not read). Today, there are two main types of expectations for a textile label: ultra-simplification (with a color code) or ultra-information (with a QR Code which gives access to all verifiable data of the article). The Ethics on Label collective also recommends communicating, via the label, about the working conditions and salaries of the people who produced each textile or garment.
Sell and buy second-hand
The second-hand market is estimated at €7 billion in France and €86 billion in Europe, all products combined (2021). The top 3 second-hand categories in France are cultural products, textiles and decoration – furniture, goods for which a smart price is in fact low risk. But is the second-hand market a really good idea for the planet, when we see that 50% to 60% of buyers take advantage of it to buy more with the same budget?
Thinking about bio-materials also means thinking about agriculture
1% of agricultural farms in the world cultivate 70% of the world's agricultural land, in intensive monoculture and on land partly reclaimed from forests. Under these conditions, agriculture is a major source of desertification of the planet and the textile industry cannot be complicit in this loss of biodiversity, soil resilience and destruction of mixed crops.
More proximity?
All costs in the large textile import sector have multiplied in 2021, from raw materials (+40% to +100%) to logistics (container cost multiplied approximately by 5) and are probably costly for a long time. At the same time, the availability of textile products in stores has become more uncertain, particularly due to global turbulence (eg pandemic, wars). These are all the more reasons to fundamentally rethink textile production and make it local, sustainable and responsible.
Rent the runway is diversifying into the rental of leisure and work clothing, with a home collection service.
Atoms is a sneaker available in a quarter size for each foot, for those who have a half size difference between each foot or more.
Veepee teams up with Andrea Crews to give new life to unsold items and clothing returned to the warehouse.
Avantex Fashion Pitch rewards the best projects innovative fashion and textiles from July 4 to 6, 2022.
This event hosted by Avantex Paris, an international innovation exhibition for efficient and sustainable fashion, offers fashion and textile startups international visibility with investors, professionals and media in the sector, with of course a grand prize for the winner..
The Texworld Evolution Paris trade shows return from July 4 to 6, 2022
Texworld Evolution Paris highlights the offers of the main international players in Textiles and clothing. On this occasion, the trade shows designed a program of cross-sectional round tables, focused on solutions to contemporary challenges developed by fashion and textile players. The round tables promote new and unique approaches, encourage discussions around the transformation of the fashion sector in the current context with ecological and economic sustainability in mind.
RCTRRC 2022: International Conference on Recycling Recycled Textiles and Clothing
July 28-29, 2022 in Vienna, Austria
The International Conference on Recycling Textiles and Recycled Clothing aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of recycling textiles and recycled clothing .
68 bis boulevard Pereire
FR 75017 PARIS
Copyright © Cedecs-TCBL SAS